Zavod TANIDA, Rozna Dolina, c XV 010, 1000 Ljubljana

Bank Account No: SI 56 0310 0100 3107 849 (Opened at SKB Banka)

The main purpose of our fundraiser is to provide quality of life and health improvements for children with kidney disease. We both grew up in Slovenia, where Jernej received care during teenage and early adulthood. Jernej then received both of his kidney transplants through the UCLA kidney transplant program. Donations can be made directly towards helping children in Slovenia through the pediatric kidney transplant program at the University Clinical Center of Ljubljana, and towards helping children in the United States through the UCLA Mattel Children's kidney transplant clinic.  In both cases ALL donations will go towards the specified purpose of helping the children.

SLOVENIA. For children in Slovenia, the donations will go towards yearly 3-day camps for children with severe kidney disease or on dialysis. The camp is organized and ran on a volunteer basis by the department of nephrology at the pediatric clinic of the University Clinical Center of Ljubljana. The cost of one such camp is about 10000 Euros. Depending on the amount raised, this will help finance one or more such camps. The donations for this purpose can be made directly to Zavod TANIDA (Association TANIDA), which is owned for this purpose by the department, the information is listed below, and all the collected funds will be used for food, lodging, and transportation expenses of the camps. Separately donations can be pledged for urgent equipment needs of the department of nephrology at the pediatric clinic of the University Clinical Center of Ljubljana (among other needs, the department needs to replace old ultrasound equipment). 

Zavod TANIDA, Rozna Dolina, c XV 010, 1000 Ljubljana

Bank Account No: SI 56 0310 0100 3107 849 (Opened at SKB Banka)

Tax Vat No. 94415455

Reg No. 686 204 7000

LOS ANGELES. Parking, transportation, and local housing costs are a major problem for 99% of the families of children who obtain a kidney transplant at the UCLA Mattel Children's kidney transplant clinic. For a month after the transplant, the children need to come to the clinic at least twice a week for labs and checks with the transplant team (for the first 7 days after the transplant the lodging is paid for the family of the child who receives a kidney transplant).  All donations through the fundraiser will go towards helping the families deal with these costs. Depending on how much is raised, the funds will be used as follows: 1. parking costs, 2. gas money, 3. costs of accommodation, 4. towards arranging free local accommodation(s) that can be used on the greatest-need basis by the children's families.

Please follow the link below to donate.

Marjan Kralj, an artist from Izola, donated one of his oil paintings. The painting will be available for sale on October 13, at a concert and conversation for the conclusion of our kayaking adventure, dvorana uršulinske cerkve, Ljubljana, at 19h. The proceeds will be split equally between the children in Slovenia and Los Angeles.

"Med valovi in nebom," Marjan Kralj, oil on canvas, 2006, 40cm x 75cm

("In between the waves and the sky")

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